Fort McHenry Tunnel

Tunnel Panels: Fabrication and Installation

Each Panel is 5′ wide with a curve varying between 11′ and 16′. Each piece was hand cut and fabricated by our team of welders. Then we printed out the graphics on durable vinyl and stapled each piece to its corresponding framework. Extra time was taken to ensure the artwork lined up and ink levels were consistent throughout.
Our most experienced fabricator Tim Bell personally stapled all 66 panels with care and precision over several weeks.



Crews worked around the clock in bucket lifts to install the panels over several nights.

The ugly bare wall before our signs were installed
The ugly bare wall before our signs were installed
Each sign was installed with its protective vinyl over the top to avoid damage and dirt.
Each sign was installed with its protective vinyl over the top to avoid damage and dirt.
Removing the protective vinyl
Removing the protective vinyl.
Joe Grimm Jr & Tim Bell, installation with bucket lift
Joe Grimm Jr & Tim Bell, installation with bucket lift.
Bore 1 installation complete.
Bore 1 installation complete.
Bore 2 Installation
Work begins on Bore 2…

mtainstall (3)

mtainstall (2)
Bores 2 & 3



Dawn Breaking on the jobsite

Daytime photos of the finished signs to follow…